This site is dedicated to the proposition that language is a naturally occurring human behavior and that changing that behavior is a process that begins, logically, from understanding the nature of this human behavior that we call language, or communication. Initially, I will develop this proposition and includes articles or references to resources that can help the teacher better understand this language behavior and, as importantly, what this understanding can mean for instructional philosophy, strategy and design, methodology and specific applications to the classroom.

The site will contain material relating to the broad concepts of language acquisition, communication, memory functioning, etc. The first entry is a topic outline on the overall sense of language as a human behavior and the potential relevance to facilitating that change. Much of what you see will be innovative and something that will challenge even modern precepts about language acquisition and related applications to teaching, or facilitating the changes that need to take place in an individual in order to become competent in another language.

Please visit the site often and let me know what impressions you get or, more importantly, if you have found a perspective or an idea that has helped you facilitate new language acquisition by any of your students, or yourself. I believe that language teachers should try to apply methodologies that they use to their own language learning. Try that, and see if they are as effective as you may perceive that they are in your teaching. Try out what you will find here, and examine the difference.

One of the areas of interest that I will develop at this site is links to scientific research on the brain and memory functioning, which I have found to be very instructive concerning the proposition I introduced above. This will include a number of excerpts and links on memory and brain research which I have looked at for insights which can stimulate adaptations of instruction in language education. As time goes on, I will try to add to these excerpts from present materials as well as new reports of research that I uncover in my ongoing search for the best understanding of language acquisition, language functioning, language change and potential means for facilitating that change

This research is both instructive and, I believe, supportive of the positions I have established with regard to the language as human behavior orientation to language acquisition. (I refer to this as my own Natural Approach. How much more natural can you get that "human behavior?") At that site, I have collected a number of articles and other citations concerning this kind of non-linguistic research as well as names of the researchers that have influenced me as I look as deeply as I can into this human language behavior. In addition, I intend to create appropriate links to areas where one can pursue any further interest in this concept that may develop from a visit to this site.

Materials for FLE 3063 - Language as Human Behavior

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Thank you for coming and let me know your reactions.

LHB: Topic Outline


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